[Review] Hidden Sides – HWANG MINHYUN

Minhyun has become quite the recognizable figure in KPOP. He began in KPOP by debuting as part of NU’EST and remained with said group until their disbandment early last year. Minhyun also participated in Produce 101 Season 2 as a trainee, where he ranked in the 9th position overall on the show, which earned him a spot in the highly successful project group WANNA ONE. Despite such a big career in the music industry, Minhyun only made his solo debut earlier this year (11 years after his debut) with the single Hidden Sides and the mini-album Truth and Lie.

I really looked forward to Minhyun’s solo debut, given that I have enjoyed majority of NU’EST releases. I found there was potential behind Hidden Sides, but the track fell short of being that track that pulls everyone in. It did have that trouble for me, as well. One of the reasons to why the song review for Hidden Sides has taken a while is because I don’t feel the urgency in the song to really motivate me to review the song. There are a few things I did appreciate in Hidden Sides. A subtle groove is present in Hidden Sides through its use of house influences and bass in the instrumentation. Minhyun himself does a decent job, showcasing his smooth vocals in the song. All of which made Hidden Sides a solid listen in the moment. But when you think of the song after it wraps up, nothing really springs to mind. The hooks do exist in the song, but just didn’t have that punchy or catchy aspect to them. Hidden Sides also felt stagnant in the energy department, which is always a major element in making a song appealing. This is particularly the case when you get to the final chorus, and it sounded like every other moment earlier in the song. Hidden Sides should have really concentrated at the end to give it some oomph and gone that extra mile to be a knockout track for Minhyun.

Minhyun’s handsome face and sensuous appeal makes up for a lot in this comeback. He has always been known for his looks even during his debut days and this music video reiterates that. Personally, even after 11 years, I am still blown away by his visuals. In the music video, he uses his handsome features to his advantage to attract the attention of ladies at the club and later to distract one of the people interrogating him – to get them to choose the ‘hidden side’ of him they want to believe in. I do find the storyline intriguing, but some of the elements (such as disappearing act with flying sparks and the magic tricks to be somewhat cheesy. But it was all a good watch, overall.

His charisma (in combination with his good looks) makes the performance aspect of the comeback quite a watch, as well. I do like the energy he puts behind his moves, and the effort the dancers gave to the performance to make the bridge pop by each sequentially flying into the air as Minhyun waves his arms around himself. I also liked how punchy and sexy the moves were.

Song – 7/10
Music Video – 8/10
Performance – 8.5/10
Overall Rating – 7.4/10

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