ATEEZ is back and they are supercharged with their latest song BOUNCY (K-HOT CHILLI PEPPERS) and their 10th mini-album, The World EP.2: Outlaw. This comeback follows the group’s December 2022 release HALAZIA and Spin Off: From the Witness single album, and their March 2023 Limitless comeback in Japan (which I have yet to review and will get around to in the future). The group is also in the midst of their Fellowship: Break The Wall world tour.

Going back to my opening comments for this review, “supercharged” is how I would describe BOUNCY. However, at the same time, if someone was to say BOUNCY was “overloaded”, I wouldn’t actually disagree with them. Each listen that I have given the song since its release, just over 24 hours ago, has given me the impression that BOUNCY is a high-octane release. There was barely a moment of rest anywhere in the song. The group just relentlessly pursued us with their powerfulness and abrasive ‘noise’ as some people might call it. The ending really emphasises this with its intensity and rush towards the end of the song. The only moment of rest that we get in BOUNCY was during the choruses, where there is a slight slowdown that coincides with the lyrics, which in turn pushes for a more playful and flirty vibe. It is an interesting move, but Hongjoong did a good job of selling that part, and so it catches on. The questionable part of BOUNCY follows right after Hongjoong’s part – the higher-pitched repeat of the chorus. It does give BOUNCY something different to play with and ultimately does add to the aforementioned playful vibe, but adds a screechiness that I personally did not enjoy. On a more positive note, the rapping in BOUNCY is impressive, which is what you expect from ATEEZ and their dynamic releases. Seonghwa’s part in the second verse is super cool and definitely serves as the song’s highlight for me. On the flip side, however, the vocals are pretty much underplayed in BOUNCY and are in the backseat of this song. However, Wooyoung’s slower and sensual take of the chorus following the bridge was a standout moment from the vocal line. Overall, BOUNCY has its charms and is another powerful and high-energy track added to ATEEZ’s repertoire.

The music video is action-packed, taking on the concept of outlaws. There is a fair bit going on in the video. Based on the teaser videos that dropped before the comeback, the group are sleeper agents who are activated to participate in a heist of green chili peppers, which seem to be the underground traffic item in this dystopian world that we saw previously in Guerrilla. Makes sense, given that world suppressed all emotions and expression, and hot green chili peppers will definitely elicit an emotion or expression from those who consume it. The goal of the group is to steal a batch of the the green chili peppers that are being transported into the city. Seonghwa and Yeosang are agents who are undercover in the team that is transporting the green chili peppers. Hongjoong and Mingi are cowboys gangsters that are wanted by the law, and well versed with the weapons. Wooyoung and San appear detached from the main story as they are part of some underground boxing ring, but maybe they fund the cause with their earnings. And Yunho and Jongho play cops, but I guess they are corrupt as they don’t do anything and join the rest of the team at the end. But in the end, they are successful with their heist, though we don’t see the green chili anymore. Interesting concept and a cool video overall, though I wished the characters the members are playing are a bit more teased out.

I do like how they bring the playful vibes to the performance. But it isn’t upfront or the centre of the performance. It is more so in the background or on the sides of the performance. As for the choreography itself, the knee-breaking move in the chorus and the snake formation was all very cool and super impressive. The ending with the high-energy rush was also well executed. Without a doubt, a performance that is worth the watch.

Song – 8/10
Music Video – 9/10
Performance – 10/10
Overall Rating – 8.7/10

3 thoughts on “[Review] BOUNCY (K-HOT CHILLI PEPPERS) – ATEEZ

  1. Not detached from story at all. Each set is a different “Outlaw”…street fighters, motorcycle gangs, traditional Wild West outlaws & corrupt/rogue cops.


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