[Album Review] Killer (2nd Studio Album Repackaged) – KEY (SHINee)

Following on from the release and promotion of KEY’s second studio album GASOLINE in August 2022, KEY made his solo comeback earlier in February 2023 with the repackaged album of the second studio album, retitled as KILLER. The repackaged album features all the songs from the GASOLINE studio album (including the original title track of the same name) and three new singles, one of which serves as the title track and is also titled KILLER. Today’s review obviously focuses on the new additions to KEY’s second studio album. However, if you want to view the original album review for KEY’s second studio album (there are a few amazing nuggets on there), do check it out via the links above.

The new singles featured on KILLER are consistently great, each earning the same rating based on my scales. But each single just does not feel right with a perfect rating, hence the consistent ratings of and average of 9/10 for the new songs. When considering the entirety of the GASOLINE and KILLER era, the consistent 9/10 ratings for the new songs actually help bring the overall album rating (of 14 songs) to 8.7/10, which is still ‘great’ territory.

KILLER Album Cover

1. KILLER (Title Track)Click here for the full review of KILLER. (9/10)

2. HeartlessHeartless incorporates a serious bout of rock into the album, but does so in a playful manner that feels nostalgic. I do like how the song goes between seriousness and fun, creating a unique range that we don’t see that much in the confines of a particular song. The seriousness comes through most intensely during the moments when KEY is rapping, while the playful comes through the most during the song’s most melodic sections like the pre-choruses and choruses. In terms of execution, Heartless is a successful song and a highlight of the repackaged album. (9/10)

6. Easy – The third and final new song on the repackaged album is Easy. This track is a lot moodier, compared to the previous song. The track is a mid-tempo pop song a consistent atmospheric instrumentation, accented by dramatic thumping beats. Both these combined to create an alluring piece. KEY’s vocals complement this instrumental piece quite well, creating a captivating listen. I also really liked how his vocals soars in the song. (9/10)

Overall Album Rating (including the songs from the GASOLINE album) – 8.7/10

KILLER Teaser Image

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