[Review] CoinciDestiny – Weki Meki

In case you are unaware, another group has sadly disbanded this past week. The group in question is Weki Meki, who made their debut back in 2017 with I Don’t Like Your Girlfriend and released music up until 2021. Their final release (prior to this one) was Siesta. Almost 3 years on from that release. their company Fantagio confirmed that Weki Meki will be disbanding after releasing one final single, CoinciDestiny, which dropped this week. I wish the very best for Weki Meki’s 8 member lineup in all future endeavours.

Disbandment songs, knowing that disbandment is the only thing to come after it, are hard to review. Given that it is the last confirmed song in a group’s career, it would always be harsh to say anything that isn’t positive, especially since the group has (more than likely) put everything behind the song to bring closure to themselves and their fans. CoinciDestiny makes the job much easier, with Weki Meki delivering a sweet and sentimental sound in their final track. It isn’t their most dynamic or catchiest track ever, but I am sure long time fans would enjoy the straight forward nature of the pop song. For me, I enjoyed that straight forward side to the vocals, with a hint of rapping in the second verse. Nothing too heavy, suitable for the occasion. The chorus has a nice slight definition added to clearly differentiate the different parts of CoinciDestiny, and the hook that follows the main chorus had a nice ring to it. The instrumentation, whilst admittedly plain, did give CoinciDestiny some substance, something that would have been lacking should Weki Meki had walked down the balladry route for this final release. But I don’t think that style would have suited Weki Meki as well as CoinciDestiny did. There is supposed to one additional comment (which I have already alluded to above) that is not as positive like the rest of the review. But on this occasion, I am not going to entertain that thought. I am just grateful that the group got to release one final song, a privilege not many other KPOP groups get unfortunately.

Watching this music video (and taking note of some of their past videos), it is clear to me (and probably everyone else) that their company had dropped the ball when it came to Weki Meki. I would probably go one further to suggest that perhaps the company didn’t even want a music video (or possibly even a final song), but Weki Meki pushed for it. That is purely speculation from me, but I would think that Fantagio would have given a bigger budget for this release had it been their idea. This is further backed up with the rumours circulating around that the members self-produced this last release (including the music video). Anyhow, the music video sees the members search for and find clues that bring them back together one last time. It fits the sentimental tone of the final song. The videos ends with the members are running away together as it fades out, which I am sure fans will find meaningful as a final scene.

Song – 8/10
Music Video – 7/10
Overall Rating – 7.6/10

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