[Review] Strawberry Rush – CHUU

Another comeback that occurred this week was CHUU’s solo return with her 2nd mini-album and title track, both of which are titled Strawberry Rush. I thought I prioritise this comeback for two reasons. The first is because I missed out on reviewing her solo debut back in October last year (with her 1st mini-album and title track Howl). Given all that she (and the rest of LOONA) have gone through over the last few years, I think CHUU (and the rest of the other post-LOONA acts) deserve some attention. As such, I will be looking for opportunities to review other post-LOONA acts that have made comebacks and debuts this year. I will point out the second reason later on in the music video.

Strawberry Rush feels very CHUU-coded. It is fun, cutesy, bubbly and energetic – all words I would use to describe CHUU. If the intent of the song was to bring a smile to our faces, then Strawberry Rush is a success for me, at least! Though I am sure there are others that felt the same need to smile listening to Strawberry Rush. The synthwave instrumentation was light and breezy, which feels fitting for the summery season the audience in Korea is currently experiencing, as well as current trends. CHUU’s vocals fit into light and breezy motif effortlessly and held its ground throughout Strawberry Rush. However, I would have liked to hear something a little more interesting from her in the song. The melodies, and as a result her delivery, felt very linear and safe for most of the track. It is as if she is being held back. The energy Strawberry Rush exudes does mask this a lot. But really focusing in on the song for this review has made me realized that not everything in Strawberry Rush is as sweet as it is seems. Her high note is a good example of this ‘more interesting’ element, but that was quite later on in the song. It could be argued that her rapping in the second verse was ‘interesting’. But I felt it to be a little too awkward, even though I am going to admit that it is growing on me ever so slowly. The more I listen to Strawberry Rush, I can’t imagine the song without the rapping. But despite my desire to hear more from CHUU in Strawberry Rush, I am quite on board with the song as it is already.

I only got around to watching the music video today. And as I watched it, I recognized that the real-life background were quite familiar – it was shot in Melbourne, Australia! And that is the second reason why I wanted to review Strawberry Rush. I am always willing to give a shout out to Melbourne, which is where I grew up. I really like how the video really made the colours of Melbourne pop and showed off its casual side. Aside having a moment about where the music video was shot, I also appreciated the CGI monsters, the post-production and CHUU’s overall cuteness. If the song didn’t make you crack a smile, then this music video will.

As for the performance, it was just as cute and fun as you expect! I really liked the simplicity of the post-chorus sequence, with the wide spread arms and bouncing move. To me, that summed up the entire comeback extremely well.

Song – 8/10
Music Video – 9/10
Performance – 9/10
Overall Rating – 8.5/10

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