[Review] Tell Me What To Do – SHINee

SHINee has returned with the repackaged album of their 5th album, 1 and 1. Their title track this time is Tell Me What To Do. Their previous title track, 1 of 1, was deeply rooted in the retro sound. They returned with a more modern and contemporary feel with this track.

Tell Me What To Do is a far better song that 1 of 1, in my opinion. I personally like it a lot more than their original track, which as mentioned above, is more retro. This time, the guys settled for an electro-pop song, which (if you haven’t got the message yet) sounds amazing. On top of that, their vocals here are probably one of the best in the year so far. I was blown away when I first heard the song. It has a catchy catchphrase that literally echoes in my head every time I listen to it. The track is also quite addictive to listen to as well. But while I probably am kind of referring to the song as a perfect song, it isn’t. The only segment of this song which I want to remove and erase entirely is Minho’s rap. It is by far the worst rapping sequence that I have heard of this year. There doesn’t seem to be a rhythmic base to it, which annoys me. His rapping is not horrible and we have seen that through the years. It is just that one part that has let me down. But besides that, I would personally recommend this song to anyone who wants to start listening to KPOP or SHINee.

Briefly, the video is as follows. SHINee and this girl form a group of friends. They kind of do everything together. However, Minho and Taemin both form a crush on the girl. Minho makes the move first, which makes Taemin jealous. So when Minho and the girl get into a car to have so fun (or go somewhere), Taemin rigs the car, which then bursts into flames, killing both his friends. The rest of SHINee try to save the pair, but it is too late. Taemin ended up killing his crush as well in the accident, and he takes his life. It is a really dark plot to write out and to portray. Everyone in the video acted really well in the video and I think that also made the video so much better. The closeup shots and visuals of the members were also nicely shot. Overall, the cinematography was amazing as well.

I’ve only seen one performance so far. Vocally, it is amazing. The dance doesn’t have that same effect, however. It does look anaesthetic in my point of view (in regards of the ribbons). The rest of it looks okay, but a tad weak for the song.

Rating – 8/10

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