[Review] Cosmic – Red Velvet

I know I haven’t posted over the last few days (work depleted all of my energy) but now we find ourselves at the end of the week. But I don’t think I can ‘end the week’ perse without reviewing Red Velvet’s latest comeback, Cosmic, which is both the title track and title of their 7th mini-album. Obviously, this review is just for the song, and I will definitely be returning to review the album some time in the future. Cosmic is the group first release since last year’s Chill Kill studio album and lead single comeback.

Elegant and soothing is what came to my mind when I first heard Cosmic on Monday. I wasn’t completely sold on it, at first, and I will speak to that in a moment. But repeat listens to Cosmic since its release has helped me realized that the track is indeed wonderful. Cosmic has this really enjoyable smooth flow to it, thanks to the members’ vocals and the song’s melodies. I honestly would not expected this from Cosmic‘s instrumental, which takes on a slightly more groovier texture and disco profile. But then again, Red Velvet have previously spun a unexpecting sound profile into something aesthetic (like Chill Kill and Psycho), and in the case of Cosmic, tranquil. The melodies themselves have a nice ring to them, and that gets the song in my mind even after it has ended. What I also liked about Cosmic is the spark of brightness the members bring to the song, whilst singing about a short-lived love-at-first-sight interaction. This brightness and the earlier mentioned flow propels the song forward for me, making it feel like it went somewhere. I also really enjoyed the harmonies and ad-libs that Cosmic had. A great song, overall.

But earlier I mentioned that I wasn’t completely sold on Cosmic in the first listen and part of me still feels that way. It stems from an inherent problem with ‘smooth songs’. Too smooth can make a song easily be passed over. Because I know what music Red Velvet puts out, I will always check them out (no matter the level of smoothness). I just not sure how this would go with the broader audience who don’t tune into Red Velvet as often, or know about Red Velvet whatsoever. As such, I feel like Cosmic needed a striking element. I am not sure what that would be, but it needs something aesthetic enough to fit in with the rest of itself and also really grip the audience at the same time.

As confirmed at the end of the video, the music video for Cosmic is inspired with Midsommar, a film about an American couple in a deteriorating relationship who are drawn into a violent cult in rural Sweden. Obviously, Red Velvet’s visual material doesn’t focus on the first part or the violence that featured in that movie. But the video does feature a similar cult from the movie. Flowers and the maypole are elements also taken from the movie. Additionally, we see a person fall from the sky and the cult members (including Red Velvet) pick them up and carry them to their base to be sacrificed (I think this is the case based on the placement of flowers on the eyes towards the end). Both the person who fell from the sky and Red Velvet seem interested in one another throughout the video. But as the song lyrics suggests, this is rather short-lived, given my theory that a sacrifice had to happen. Interesting video overall, as well as an interesting choice for a KPOP music video inspiration.

The choreography for this comeback is very pretty. The pace and moves all match the smooth drive that the song has, and focuses on an output of elegance. I also like how the performance was also very smiley, which shows off a great side of Red Velvet.

Song – 9/10
Music Video – 9/10
Performance – 9/10
Overall Rating – 9/10

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